Most of Hungarians are considering the uprising of 1956 as the first serious injure against the centralized tyrant. Even if apparently repressed, the spirit of 56 still survives. After the democratic transformation, hungarians seems to perceive the betrayal, but only a few of them are truly understand, that the communist experiment and the actual form of tyranny we have to face, has the same root. Therefore the ruling elite is following it with attention, that hungarians to be distracted in any case. It seems to be extremly dangerous for the NWO, if most of the hungarians would pay attention to the message of liberty carried by Ron Paul and their growing supporters.
Let’s see what has been prepared in the early time.
In April of 2006, the Hungarian Socialist Party won the parliamentary elections in Hungary. A speech by the elected Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány, made before the Socialist and Liberal parliamentary group members in May, unexpectedly leaked out in September. In this speech, the Prime Minister admits that in his previous term, there was only a continuous campaign going on, instead of real governing, and in the election campaign they deliberately misled the voters as to the state of the country – and the measures the new government was to take. In the course of the scandal caused by the vulgar and cynical speech, he admitted that the tape was authentic: it was really his speech. Yet, he refused to resign.
In the spontaneous demonstrations that followed, the people insisted that he resign. Meanwhile, we came to October 23rd, the 50th anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian revolution. The peaceful remembrance to celebrate the anniversary in Budapest was thwarted by the police in a series of intimidating and terrorizing measures of unprecedented dimenmsions. The venues of the state celebrations were closed away from the people. They deployed thousands of foot and mounted police, used rubber bullets and striking with the flat of swords, used tear gas shells, water cannons, lead-filled truncheons, causing massive injuries.
Instead of protecting the people (children, old people, MP’s and journalists among them), i.e. the crowd trying to leave the venue of the FIDESZ opposition-party celebrations, they dispersed them by force. In the course of this, they let go (as I have seen: they drove) another group: a group of anti-government demonstrators into the peaceful crowd of celebrators, then used force indiscriminately. Policemen – who had no identification on them! – continued to assault, kick and beat people after they fell to the ground and were defenceless. In several cases policemen left people ont he street, in a pool of blood. The rubber bullets were aimed at the upper parts of peoples’ bodies, causing for ex. serious eye injuries in at least 2 cases. In all, about 170 people suffered injuries.
In the face of this, those in power, supported by their media, keep repeating that the police action was a response to attack against them. Pictures taken and videotapes prove otherwise.
For everybody it worst watching the following video (it has english subtitle), and think about the tyranny. Just try to look at it to analyse the tactical achievement of them.
you may download in DVD format from Pesty Laszló
By now the population of Hungary until is giving vent to PM’s anger, just misses to be receptive enough to the real spiritual revolution and to wake up to the truth.
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